Saturday, July 17, 2010


I am still here. I am sorry these updates come so infrequently, but, I promise, this is a living set of things that you can count on. I am striving to make this chain of my DNA something that you can know will be there to distract you, momentarily, from your lives. Something, in the bookmarks, you can count on clicking on and having something frivolous to fill your head for a minute or two. I've just been bogged down lately because the posts have, inadvertently, been turning out to be these, kind of, long-winded affairs.

Right here, next up, is a pretty serious post about --004(The Moon) and all of its versions. Over on THE WRAITH I've been working on a post about the "It Was Hot, We Stayed In The Water" LP by the Microphones and all of its attendant versions and formats (which I had, one night, recently, and lost, as a result of some bullshit internet/computer fuck-ups). And over on POLTERGEIST, or whatever the the fucking page is, I've got a couple of the acoustic takes of SPIDERS songs that I've long been imagining and an overlong cover of Pavement's "Summer Babe", that are pretty much all but done and really just awaiting me feeling ok and not-embarrassed enough to share them with you all.

SPEAKING OF WHICH, I am seeing this phenomena happening. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
if you are "following" one of my blogs please follow the other. It takes so little effort on your part. If yr following the seance, PLEASE go over and follow the wraith and maybe even take a little look/listen to poltergeist two. It would mean a lot to me, just knowing you are out there and maybe hearing what I am feeling and thinking, maybe taking part in this little part of my life.

In the meantime, all I can say is, I'm out here and feeling it all and missing all of you intensely.
All I really have to show at this moment is a tiny status update, a top 10 of the last week or so...

--"Kelly" by Van She

--"Son Et Lumiere" and "17 Pink Sugar Elephants" by Mates of State (from their "Crushes: The Covers Mixtape" CD, ...them doing The Mars Volta and Vashti Bunyon, the later featuring their toddler on vocals)

--Noveller-"Desert Fires" (the whole album) and, as I am realizing, pretty much all of her output

--Californication (the David Duchovny Showtime series) (man, seriously, who knew it was this fucking good? (Wait, Brian, identifying with a middle-aged, overly-smart/eat-shit but not living up to his potential WRITER, who was once attractive and still maintains an essence of attractiveness, somehow, that needs other people that he loves to drag him into his creative spotlight on this earth, that lives in LA and has a seriously amazing daughter and strong convictions to "love" and "romance" and "commitment" but is lost adrift a sea of shit and whiskey played by Fox Mulder... WOW! what are the odds???)

--Karl Blau (slowly working my way through his millions of CDs and finding out he is a pretty serious songwriter and vocalist, many nice afternoons in my kitchen, blindly listening to his innumerable releases, eating sandwiches and packaging records for people).

--My beautiful and amazing wife (and all of the amazing things she does and bakes). There is never going to be a moment in my life when I am not amazed by the support and love I feel from another human being, in this case, my I-don't-want-to-alienate-anyone-with-my-gushing-feelings about my-statuesque-wife...
I can only hope, someday, that she will realize that she is my lantern.

--this song that I am killing myself trying to identify that comes on the radio at work. It's electronic, like Van She or Little Boots or Hot Chip, and has some girl singing "I realize, I realize..." over and over on it and I cannot figure out who does it... HELP!!!

--pre-honey-moon/first actual vacation trip coming up next weekend to the beaches of Charleston, SC.

--watching our way through the X-files with far-away friends. We are about midway through season 6, and it is, generally, getting better and better. Where is everyone else?

--and finally, this post, which I just saw on

(the fucking idiosyncrasies of the internet, copy and paste that address without the question mark at the end, please...)


it is 5:43 AM
this is the seance.



  1. i'm reading and listeninggggggggggggggg.

  2. btw literally just put on 'life highrise' which is proof that any song can be found!!!! keep at it. wish i could help find it though!
