(begun, in medias res, 7/20/10)
which is an ongoing tab of what mixes I/we have been listening to, in order, by date, with attendant times, places, situations and events noted. I wish I had started this earlier, since we have already covered so, so much ground since around the time of the wedding, but, like all things KINGS related, we will have to suffice with a late start, well into the course of events unfolding...
I thought about making this a separate blog, to make it a more clear and linear, followable time-line, but then I reconsidered that idea since I am already asking so much of the few people out there that care enough and read these blogs to read and follow two. Adding a third seemed like a lot to ask and destined to frustrated failure on my part. So, I am going to incorporate it here, as part of our ongoing KINGS mythology, which it is anyway. And, in the end, I guess using the search function on this page would make it possible to clearly, and in order, see all the specifically MIX LISTENED posts anyway and I will, at least, have the clear and in order on one document version of this list if I/anyone ever wants to see it (yeah Brian, like anyone out there even has a fucking clue or a care about what you're talking about right now. Reality check, no one, besides you, cares about the extreme minutiae and details of your inner world. Try getting out of your head and your little world a little maybe?)
(In a related vein, it would be such a stupendous treat for me if everyone else out there would keep a little log of the mixes they were listening to and when and why and what occurred and what they thought about and why and posted them here in the comments or something. That would really make my day, whenever. In much the same way that having you, out there, post comments and memories and stories related to any moments in KINGS/Bmax/Brian history on here or just message to me for later inclusion/just outright chronicling and archiving would mean the world to me.)
Anyway, that being said, onwards!
“--263” aka --Figure 8 TITANIC...++(At The Ends Of Our Lives or Through The Mountain*) (finally sorted out 11-17-09) chosen, in a line of typical traffic, on Briarcliff, but not listened to (because I thought it was too long for the upcoming plans and too “moment intensive”) and for future reference, in picking mixes, I always add 3 mixes to the actual total of where I’m at on mix numbers to represent, in the picking, Figure 8 PLUS/MINUS/TITANIC…, so, in this case, having the latest mix be number 260, I would present the number to chose from in the "grab bag" as 1-263.

--260(I Listen Close) (7/1/10) (alternate pick from Jenn who was trying to pick “the last number” Completed in one day, listened to throughout the lovely, perfect afternoon, going to Wal-Mart for car fluid and something for me to swim in, on our vacation to the beaches of Charleston, SC, then going to see INCEPTION at Atlantic Station, shopping at H&M (inspired by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, had one of those seriously rare and good trips to H&M, and ended up buying a lot of lovely clothing) then going to the store to get something for dinner and X-files Season 7 (frozen CPK BBQ pizzas and Highlife etc…). And, in a similar experience to our JFK viewing of a few posts back, once again the movie we watched was insanely, impossibly tied to the X-files episode we were viewing. In this instance Season 7 Episode 2 “The Sixth Extinction Pt. 2: Amor Fati”
Much like INCEPTION, we see pivotal scenes of the main character, trying to discern what is real and what is unreal, what is a dream and what is reality. Returning, again and again, to a scene on a beach, building sand castles with children. Holy fucking coincidence.

(Jenn commented that this was "not what" she "thought a new mix would sound like" and I told her that is was specifically constructed to feel/sound like an old mix [more INCEPTION-isms here] because I get in the mood to make new mixes with new-school stuff, but then I get homesick and want to recreate the feel of the old ones and the old, old ones. And thus we have --260, which I will count, based on her reaction, as a success in recreating older mix feels.)
There is a pretty prominent (a)/earlier version of this mix that will be covered in the distant future when we get to it in the course of the blog, I guess, when the actual discussion of this mix and its tracks take place.
Thank you all, whoever, so much for coming on this journey. It really does mean so much to me, you have no idea.
It is 6:05 AM
this is the seance.
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