I am, in an uncertain way, adding a new little family member to my little self-centered project. Down on the right on both blogs now, where the little links thing is (on THE SEANCE called "antlers" and on THE WRAITH called "universe, I know you") there is a new addition "POLTERGEIST", which is a link to my Soundcloud page (only recently learned about this lovely site [thank you Computer Magic], it's a place where you can post your music and people can, you know, check it out and such), and my, admittedly, very, VERY meager attempts at home recording my music. I am, ironically, this late in the game, still working on learning how to write a song or record an instrument (hence the abundance of cover songs), and now you all (all 7 or 8 of you) may be privy to it. Good luck, Godspeed. (The KINGS may consider it an access point to the "Microphones Songs Yet To Be Written" portion of our project, though the songs are clearly not limited to that pool of thought...)
I have to admit feeling pretty timid adding this. Music, while a very true love, has always been something that I am not that proficient at. I am learning and all that as I go. Please take it with a grain of salt, be kind. Give a listen or a download if you feel like it. It is all much appreciated. Thank you!
In related NARCISSISM news, thank you so, so much to Zoe for being the first person to add a "comment" to one of my posts and to Leslie for the being the first person to "Follow" my pages. I know it seems silly and lame but, honestly, it would mean a lot to me, as your friend and all, if anyone reading these would do the little steps it takes to "follow" the pages, just so I know that you're out there. And, moreover, please, please, please feel free to make comments in that little comment thing and, to take it a step further, (since I don't have a Facebook wall) please consider it to be my Facebook wall, anything that's going through your head or you are thinking of or reminded of, reading something I post, please, please, comment on it. Anything, in that vein, that you might Twitter or Fbook about, please, drop it in the comments. I just like the comradeship, the knowing that you are out there and taking part in this (I mean, feel free to drop it on my fbook too or, you know, text me or something, but, I'm just saying...).
Ok, that is all for now. I am posting this here and not on THE WRAITH because it seems redundant and I'm sure more people check this page more often than that one anyway (I know THE WRAITH is not quite as engrossing as this page but I try to make it engaging and interesting. I try! Ok?)
it is 3:44 AM
this is the seance.
you've done well! just hollerin' at ya....