I've really dropped the ball of late on KINGS related holidays, red-letter days, etc... Trying to pick that back up again today. As Zoe already mentioned on FB, Sean Carter was born December 4th, weighing in at 10 pounds 8 ounces.
I think all of us who are able to do so should take a moment to be glad that there is a Jay-Z out there in the world, brushing the dirt off our collective shoulders. Myself, I'm bout to go golfin man, I might even have me a cappuccino, fuck it. Everyone who is able to should finish your breakfast and kick back with one of the mixes that "December 4th" is featured on.
Those being:
--069(It Wouldn't) (Original version from "The Black Album")
--122a++(Where Is My Tarp?) (Dangermouse remix from "The Grey Album")

Happy KINGS holiday, everyone.
Happy birthday HOVA.
it is 7:02 pm
this is the seance.
i wish i could marry jay-z. also, the first thing zoe said this morning was omg it's december fourth. Sean Carter was born December 4th.