A brief synopsis of the mix series' which immediately preceded and led up to the KINGS mixes. All having been conceived and executed while working at Bmax, pre-KINGS, Spring 2003-Winter 2004/5*
*Not included in this list, any mixes which were made on cassette, as actual "mix-tapes". There were quite a few during this period and right before, all of which are still kicking around my life. This list, however, starts with, literally, the first mixes and mixing I ever did on a computer and burned onto a CD.-Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life (Volume 1-21)
-"Maggotism" (2 disc set)
-"RIGHT BACK HERE IN MY ARMS" (The Best Of Smog, 3 disc set)
-"SOURCE OF SPIDER" (single volume mix made for John Spiders, during the writing of the SPIDERS album)
-SPIDERS: "...this is post-anorexic soul
." CD (ok, not technically a "mix" CD but certainly something important and prevalent that was being worked on/cobbled together at this moment, so...)
-"What are you, some kind of superhero?"/"What makes you think I'm not?" (The definitive Donnie Darko mix, 1 disc)
-START OVER! (Volume 1-8)
-"Yes it's true, The Mars Volta vs. Red Hot Chili Peppers" (mix CD that I felt compelled to make for some unknown reason, pairing songs by each artist with one another)
-HEART (Volume 1-4)
-The Best Of Outkast Mix Series (Volume 1-4)
-Bright Eyes Mix-Off 2005 (vs. Coree and Taylor) (2 disc set)
-Modest Mouse Mix-Off 2005 (vs. Coree) (2 disc set)
-"Can You Still Feel The Butterflies" (Jimmy Eat World Mix-Off, 2 disc set, vs. Luke)
as well as (mutually) aborted Mix-Offs for Radiohead and The White Stripes
--a, b, c, versions etc… designate the various stages a mix has gone through. The version listed with the real number and title are the final/current stage of a mix. An “a” etc… is an older version, “a” being the oldest, “b” the second oldest and so on. The exception to this rule is in section K5. This was the place where my iPod of the time crashed and got wiped and we lost all of the mixes up to that point. I luckily had the ghosts of them on my computer up to a point. There were, however, quite a few that were lost forever. I tried to rebuild these as best I could, remembering songs that were on them and whatnot but they are clearly never going to be what they were, since we don’t know what that is. The point being, in this section the “real” version of the mix is actually the one with the latest letter indicator. The “non-letter” version is left blank, to indicate/memorialize the passing of the original, real actual versions of these mixes.
--The “K” designations (K5, K7, et al) are guesses or recordings of when (in the hierarchy of general periods and places) a mix was altered to the state therein. (And more to that end, some mixes are followed by parenthetical guesses at when in time they seem to have been made, any insight from the other KINGS on these guesses is welcome and appreciated, these are marked with the # symbol)
--The ++ designation indicates that this is one of the rare occasions where a song is used a second time, knowingly. We all know this is against the rules, so the occurrences of these are, appropriately, rare.
--However the +++ designation indicates a time where I have realized a song has been used a second time, accidentally. In the past I used to remove the song and replace it with another. But I have decided, in the spirit of historical accuracy, that these instances will now be left to stand as they are. Alas all the previous incidents of this happening are lost to pages of digital history.
--An * indicates that the Phil song which the mix is named after does not, in fact, appear on the mix (This designation was mostly the result of/a tribute to the Jimi Sharp Cassette, which, at the time, we were sure we would never hear or own.)
---Mixes with a triple parentheses around the title ((( ))) get their namesake song from the “Microphones Songs Yet To Exist Project”, i.e. songs made up by us, recorded by me.
--On more recent mixes I have made an effort to record the exact date they were completed on, In these cases the date follows, parenthetically, sometimes with an indication of what time of day it was finished. Furthermore, in cases where more than one mix was completed on the same day a parenthetical number will follow the date indicating which was first, second etc… (1), (2) and so on.
--Double, triple, etc… albums are designated with a number/number. These are followed by a “stub” later in the mix list, a placeholder for the number, just for the sake of keeping track of where numbers are, since most double albums do not utilize two numbers next to other, but instead pull a second, unused number from later in the list (i.e. --209/222, in this case a phantom place header will be placed at 222 with a not referring you back to 209 to find where it is). Some double/etc. albums have namesake songs for each part of the album, most do not, in these cases a random series of periods is used to place hold , i.e. 163/233/234(Florida Land*/........./..........). In this case the second two parts of this triple album are not named and have no namesake songs, thus the periods.
--“Mirror Facing Mirror” mixes (mixes designed to be as exact as possible replicas of old mixes with different versions of the same songs) are designated by the namesake song of the mix being spelled out backwards/forwards (i.e. snretnaL/Lanterns).
--“Reimagined” mixes, mixes that take a previously used namesake song and attempt to more deeply explore the idea behind it, thematically, are designated by the title of the mix being in ALL CAPS.
--If a live version of a song is used its source time and place are now listed.
--Likewise, whenever a “something’” track, or “instrumental” or “Window” song is used it’s track number on the album and the album it comes from are designated, i.e. --099(Instrumental [Track 6, The Glow Pt. 2]), which was previously known as --099 (Instrumental).
--As far as APPENDICES go, the most recent ones are cataloged at the time period they occurred in. The older ones are a little lost and scattered. Either a separate appendices section or a series of integrated listings will be following at some point in the future.K01. BMAX (first wave)----------------------------------------------
(circa Winter 2004-Sping 2005)--001 (Lanterns)
--002 (Antlers)
--003 (Universe)
--004 (The Moon)
--005 (I Lost My Wind)
--005a (Karl Blau)
--005b (Karl Blau)
--006 (Ocean)
--007 (The Glow Pt. 2)
--008a (I Can’t Believe You Actually Died)
--Figure 8 PLUS……(I Can’t Believe You Actually Died)
*There is also at least one more lost version of one of these mixes, I believe --003 Universe, on which I had accidentally placed a song ("Chim Chim Cher-ee") which was meant to go on --005 I Lost My Wind. At this time I cannot find evidence of its passing.K02. BMAX (second wave)--------------------------------------------------
(circa summer and fall 2005)--008 (I Felt You [Edit])
--008b (I Felt You)
--009 (Spy Cameras)
--010 (Oh Anna)
--011 (The Glow)
--012 (Preamp)
--012a (I Am A Preamp)
--013 (Headless Horseman)
--014 (There’s No Invincible Disguise That Lasts All Day)
--015 (Great Ghosts)
--016 (Weird Storm)
--017 (Heart Lake Road)
--018 (The Blow Pt. 2)
--019 (The Mansion)
--020 (We Squirm)
--021 (Ice)
--022 (Phil Elvrum’s Will)
(Burrito Max closes, late October, 2005)K03. POST BMAX: ALLSTON, MA (pre GALA EVENT/"Whatever And Ever Amen Fest 2005 And Beyond...")------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(circa late October and into Fall/Winter/Spring 2005/6)--023 (something [Track 9, It Was Hot, We Stayed In The Water])
--023a (Something)
--024(I Listen Close [Lullaby, Lullaby Eighty North Records Version])
--024a (I Listen Close)
--025 (Map)
--026 (The Gleam Pt. 2)
--027 (I Am Bored)
--028 (Slighted, By Mirah)
--028a (Mountain)
--029 (Bass Drum Dream)
--030 (Moon Moon Moon)
--031 (Solar System)
--032 (I’m A Pearl Diver)
--033 (Deeply Buried) (K5)
--034 (Get The Hell Out Of The Way Of The Volcano
--035 (Sweetheart Sleep Tight)
--036 (My Roots Are Strong And Deep)
--037 (I Want Wind To Blow)
--038 (The Moon [The Glow Pt. 2])
--038b (The Moon, 2)
--039 (My Warm Blood [Edit])
--039b (My Warm Blood)
--040 (Wake Me Up) ...(#summer/late summer 2006)
--041 (Window 1, 11, 15)
--041a (Window)
--042 (Sand)
--043 (Ocean 1,2,3 [Live On KRUA In Anchorage, Alaska 3/2/99])
--043b (Ocean 1, 2, 3)
--044 (Anacortes Has A Secret Love)
--045 (Florida Beach)
--046 (Tonight There’ll Be Clouds)
--047 (Tape Deck Ghost)
--048 (Monsters)
--049 (Heavy Eyes)
--050 (I Felt My Size)
K04. POST BMAX: ALLSTON, MA ("Whatever And Ever Amen Fest 2005 And Beyond..." begins)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(sometime around mid-July, 2006)
--051 (You’ll Be In The Air) (K6)
--052 (Don’t Wake Me Up)
--053 (All Is Full Of Love) (K4)
--054 (Wires And Cords) …(#around 8/22/06)
--055 (I Want To Be Cold)
--056 (Feedback [Life Love Loop])
--057 (I Whale)
--058 (Who? [Live At Bard College In The Dark])
--058b (Black Lagoon)
--058c (Black Lagoon [Live At Bard College In The Dark])
--059 (Drums)
--060 (Eyes For Volume)
--061 (Like A Piranha)
--062 (I Have Been Told That My Skin Is Exceptionally Smooth [Live In Japan, February 19th, 21st & 22nd])
--062b (I Have Been Told That My Skin Is Exceptionally Smooth)
--063 (Surrender [Live At Bard College In The Dark]) (K11)
--063a (If You Can Manage To Give Totally Up)
--063c (Surrender)
--063d (Surrender [Live At Bard College In The Dark])
--064 (Wooly Mammoth's Mighty Absence [Live In Dundee])
--064a (Quickly Forgotten)
--064b (Wooly Mammoth’s Mighty Absence)
--065 (Goodbye Hope [Live In Dundee])
--065b (Goodbye Hope)
--066 (Say "Goodbye" And "No" [Live At Bard College In The Dark])
--066a (Goodbye My Air)
--066b (Say “Goodbye” And “No”)
--067 (I Say "No" [Live At Bard College In The Dark])
--067a (Arise, Arise)
--067c (I Say “No”)
--068+++ (Here With Summer)
--069 (It Wouldn’t)
--070 (I’ll Not Contain You)
--071 (Witch Doctor)
--072+++ (I’m Getting Cold)
--073 (I Got Stabbed [Live In Walla Walla, 2003])
--073b (I Got Stabbed)
--074 (See Me [Live At Bard College In The Dark])
--074a (More Of A Mountain This Time)
--074b (See Me)
--075 (A Bird In A Tree At 2 In The Morning)
--076 (The Boom [Live At The Y, 2004])
--076b (The Boom)
--077+++ (Dark Hills [Live At The Y, 2004])
--077a (Dark Hills)
--078 (Sleepy Hollow)
--079 (Marriage [Live At The Y, 2004])
--079a (Marriage)
--080 (The Last Night Of The Year)
--081 (Mount Eerie Dances With Wolves/Let's Get Out Of The World or Fuck The World [Live At The Tokyo Rose, VA, 23/09/04])
--081a( Let's Get Out Of The World Part 1+2)
--081b (Mount Eerie Dances With Wolves)
--081c (Mount Eerie Dances With Wolves/Let's Get Out Of The World or Fuck The World)
--082 (The Pull)
--083 (The Gleam)
--084 (Tests [Young Girl Version])
--084a (Tests)
--085 (No Inside, No Out [Live At Copenhagen Huset, Denmark, 6/3/05])
--085b (No Inside, No Out)
--086 (In The Bat's Mouth [Live At Copenhagen Huset, Denmark, 6/3/05])
--086a (In The Bat's Mouth)
--087 (Voice In Headphones [Live At The Tokyo Rose, VA, 23/9/4])
--087b(Voice In Headphones)
--088 (The Dead Of Night [Live At Copenhagen Huset, Denmark, 6/3/05])
--088b (The Dead Of Night)
--089 (How? [Live At Copenhagen Huset, Denmark, 6/3/05])
--089a (How?)
--090 (Where? [Live At Copenhagen Huset, Denmark, 6/3/05])
--090b (Where?)
--091 (The Intimacy Of The World With The World [Live At Copenhagen Huset, Denmark, 6/3/05])
--091a (The Intimacy Of The World With The World)
--092 (O Little Heart [Live At The Tokyo Rose, VA, 23/9/4])
--092b (O Little Heart)
--093 (I Know No One)
--094 (I Hold Nothing [Live At Copenhagen Huset, Denmark, 6/3/05])
--094b (I Hold Nothing)
--095 (Instrumental [Track 17, The Glow Pt. 2])
--095a (Instrumental II)
--096 (The Breeze)
--097 (Summer Electricity)
--098 (Samurai Sword)
--099 (Instrumental [Track 6, The Glow Pt. 2])
--099b (Instrumental)
--100 (Mount Eerie)
--101 (The Sun)
--102 (Two Blonde Braids [Live At Bard College In The Dark])
--102b (Two Blonde Braids)
--103 (Universe [V])
--103a (Universe, 2)
--104 (Nighttime The Sleep)
--105 (Whipping Wind [Live At The Y, 2004])
--105b (Whipping Wind)
--106 (Cold Mountain [Live At The Tokyo Rose, VA, 23/9/04]) ...(#around the XMAS time trip 2006)
--106a (Cold Mountain)
--107 (Thanksgiving [Live At The Y, 2004])
--107a (Thanksgiving)
--108 (A Log In The Waves [Live At The Iron Horse, Northampton, MA, 28/5/2003])
--108a (A Log In The Waves)
--109 (No Flashlight, II [Live At Copenhagen Huset, Denmark, 6/3/05])
--109a (No Flashlight, II)
--110 (My Burning [Live On KAOS, 2003])
--110a (My Burning)
--111 (As Good As It Got [Live On KAOS, 2003])
--111b (As Good As It Got)
--112 ([2 Lakes] [Live At Copenhagen Huset, Denmark, 6/3/05)
--112b ([2Lakes])
--113/174/261++ (The Moan [Live At Seattle Center, 25/6/2005]/The Moan/....) (K8)
--113a (The Moan)
--113b/174a (The Moan/The Moan)
--113c/174b (The Moan [Live At Seattle Center, 25/6/2005]/The Moan)
--114 (Human Human [Live At Copenhagen Huset, Denmark, 6/3/05])
--114b (Human, Human)
--115 (A Show Of Hands [Live At AS220, Providence, RI, 25/5/03])
--115b (A Show Of Hands)
--116 (With My Hands Out)
--117 (I Am A Rock [Live On KAOS, 2003])
--118 (Soundwaves)
--119 (Little Songs)
--120 (Microphone, Pt. 1)
---A 03: MAPS OF LA (CDR)
---A 04: MW VIDEO (CDR)
---A 06.66: AN INTRODUCTION TO STEPHEN BRODSKY (playlist + one very drunk evening)
---A 07: AUTOPSY (my entry into the Elliott Smith Mix-Off with Coree)
---A 08: SPACE IS THE PLACE (for kings...)
K05. POST BMAX: ALLSTON, MA ("THE GRAVEYARD" and THE GALA EVENT and beyond...)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(circa Winter 2006/7, leading up to THE GALA EVENT, February 16th [?] 2007, the commemorating point at which we had at last listened to every mix made, up to that point, at least once, and then through September 1st, 2007.)(THE GALA EVENT occurred on February 16th, 2007, at THE CASTLE (8 Fenino Terrace ["F, E, N as in Nancy, I, N as in Nancy, O as in Oh. My God..." Allston, MA 02134]. We had finally listened to every mix at least once and celebrated with a ritual re-listening to the original "last" mix, the mix that was originally --008, but was later taken out of the standard numbering system and awarded a floating designation (Figure 8 PLUS) allowing it to forever, no matter how many mixes are created in our lifetime, be the "last" mix.)("The Graveyard" [121-1444] is the series of mixes that were lost when my then-current iPod was wiped clean and then reconstituted/reconstructed over time.)--121
--121a (Do Not Be Afraid)
--121b (Wolf Mountain Howls: "Into The World")
--122a++ (Where Is My Tarp?)
--123a (Where It's Hotter Pts. 1, 2 & 3)
--124a (Uh Oh! It's Morning Time Again)
--125a (The Storm)
--125b/177/178/205 ++ "BOX SET" (The Storm/Silent Night/......./.......)
--125c/177a/178a/205a ++ "BOX SET" (The Storm/Silent Night [Live In Japan, February 19th, 21st & 22nd, 2003])......./.......)
--125d/177b/178b/205b ++ "BOX SET" (The Storm/Silent Night [Live In Japan, February 19th, 21st & 22nd, 2003])......./.......) (K8)
--125e/177c/178c/205c/240++ "BOX SET" (The Storm/Silent Night [Live In Japan, February 19th, 21st & 22nd, 2003])......./.......) (K8)
--126a ([Version])
--127a (Cover Me Up)
--128a (Quiet Groove)
--129a/183 (School's Out/.................)
--129b/183a (School's Out/................. [Live At Bard College In The Dark])
--130a (Square Face)
--131b (Get Off The Internet) (K11)
--132a (Don’t Smoke)
--133a/188 (Who?)
--133b/188a (Who? [Eleven Old Songs Of Mount Eerie]...............)
--134a (Heart-Shape Face)
--135a (What?)
--135b (What I Actually Am)
--136a (No Flashlight) (K6)
--137a (2 Mountains)
--138a(November 22nd 2003, 4:45PM)
--139a (Mount Eerie Dances With Wolves)
--140a (Let's Get Out Of The World)
--140b (Let's Get Out Of The Romance)
--141a (The Glow Pt. 3)
--142b (My Favorite Things)
--142c (My Favorite Things [Live In Japan, February 19th, 21st & 22nd, 2003]) (K4)
--143a (Waterfalls)
--144b/175a (Don't Worry Baby/.........) (K6) (#probably early 2007, march-april)
---A 20.1: F... (CLASSIC)
K06. POST BMAX: PORTER SQUARE, MA (post GALA EVENT/pre GALA ANNIVERSERY) ("THE SEANCE" begins...)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
("THE SEANCE" is first performed by the KINGS, the recital of "I've Seen Tomorrow" which then becomes a pre-game ritual at every meeting of the KINGS. The Seance is, hence, also used to refer to the series of mixes which inspired it, those which derive their namesakes from Jim Sharp Cassette songs. The concept being that "while we may never know what these songs sound like, they may have sounded something like this..." The idea that we could raise the spirit of these lost songs, as well as our own lost mixes, lost friends, Bmax itself. The term "Seance" has become so ubiquitous to our thing as a result of it being really, in spirit, [no pun intended] so close to the heart of the entire thing that is KINGS, a memorial, a tribute, a ritual, something religious. That series [the Jimi Sharp mixes] begins here and finally concludes after I moved back to Atlanta.)(starting around September of 2007 and leading up to THE GALA ANNIVERSARY, the one year anniversary of THE GALA EVENT. This took place again at THE CASTLE, February 14, 2008. And then leading on across the rest of the Winter/Spring/Summer, 2008.)---Figure 8 MINUS.... (I've Seen Tomorrow*)
--145 (Shredded Pants, Stinky Breath, Palm Trees, White Foam Water*)
--145c (Shredded Pants, Stinky Breath, Palm Trees, White Foam Water Teeth*) (10-16-09)
--146 (Josh Young*)
--147 (Nightly*)
--148/182+++ (Retarded Twin*/...........)
--148b/182b (these were left off from the original F... mix)
--149 (Beautiful Face*)
--150/187 (Painting Of A Cat*/........)
--151/185+++ (Moog Town 2*/.........)
--152 (Dem Hard Blues*)
--153 (Mouth & Eye Disease*)
--154/180 (Teenage Moustache*/..........)
--155/191 (So Wrong*/........)
--156/192 ++ (Perfect Situation*/.........)
--157(The Creeps*) ...(#around january 2008)
--158/189 (Club Theme*/......)
--159/193 (Iceberg*/.......) ...(#around december 2007)
--160/194 (Katy Song*/..........)
--161/179 (October*/..........)
--184/186++ (KARL BLAU/.............)
--184a/186a (KARL BLAU/.............)
--190/202++ (OCEAN/......) ...(#around may 2008)
--190a/202a (OCEAN/......)
---A 21.1: C. (Coree's entry in the "Christmas Gift" Mix-Off)
---A 21.2: Z. (Zoe's entry in the "Christmas Gift" Mix-Off)
---A 21.3: BRI-BRI...there will be water if god wills it (Brian's entry in the "Christmas Gift" Mix-Off)
---A 22: AND IT KEEPS COMING, AND IT KEEPS COMING (when someone great is gone...)...
K07. POST BMAX: PORTER SQUARE, MA (post GALA ANNIVERSERY)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(the middle of 2008 continues... The reason this Spring and Summer were so barren as far as mixes go [as evidenced by the K08 section] was that we had all become much more involved in going dancing, THE PILL and any other dance night in Boston we could find. My attention, likewise, shifted to a long and complicated series of mixes, which were later deemed to be part of the KINGS appendices, which focused on this time period and its attendant music and activity.)--206 (((teetering on our soft, small feet OR get lost OR i got lost in the woods)))
---A 25: YOU KNOW WHO YOU LOOK LIKE... (the best of Ryan Adams)
---A 27: MOMENTS BEFORE BECOMING A WEREWOLF... (an attempt to make Xiu Xiu digestible, penetrable, or understandable) (my spun-out-of-control entry in the imaginary Xiu Xiu Mix-Off which I don't think ever really happened?)
---A 28b: pre pre pre game (Original Starting Point)
---A 28c. 1: pre pre game (CLASSIC)
---A 28d. 1: pre game 1 (getting home thru leaving home, shower, dressing, the heart of the mix, PAPER, HEART THROB and first half walking)
K08. POST BMAX: DALLAS, GA ...(circa Sept. 1st, 2008)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(When I got back to Georgia I was still very much involved in the complex inner workings of those appendices as well as new ones which were to follow. An entire structure and labeling system was devised and fleshed out and folded into KINGS history.)(see APPENDICES)
---A 20: F...
---A 24: Et Cetera... THE SMITHS top ten...GO, vers 2.0
---A 26: (LET THE RIGHT ONE SLIP IN... Morrissey top ten, GO)
---A 28.1
---A 28.2: (second thoughts...)
---A 28a: pre pre pre pre game (CORPSES!! i see you! i see you! [BAD MOON RISING])
---A 28c. 2: pre pre game (WHERE'S DONNIE?) (ALT.)
---A 28c. 3: pre pre game (ENDLESS SUMMER) (ALT.)
---A 28c. 4: pre pre game (where's donnie, cont'd) (ALT.)
---A 28d. 3: pre game (F...)
---A 28e. pre game 2: (NH teen feeling and more walking agression) (2)
---A 28f: the pill, pill-esque and the 2ND HEART OF THE TWO HEARTED ANIMAL)
---A 28g: START! era
---A 32: WATCHING SOMEONE SLEEP (the sunlight burns out his eyes, but the vampire isn't surprised, he was waiting there all night to be the first to notice the dawn...)
---A 34: ONCE UPON A TIME...
K09. POST BMAX: ATLANTA, GA ...(circa July 1st, 2009) ("THE SEANCE" concludes.)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Finally, after we moved into our apartment in the city I was able to put my mind back on KINGS and the KINGS mixing. I was anxious to dive back in and make new mixes but I felt like it was important to first go back and clean up all the loose ends and half-ideas I had left, back in Boston. Thus we finally see the end of "THE SEANCE", the Jimi Sharp series, that is, as well as a few other mixes/namesakes which I had already, back then, assigned numbers. This is then followed by the new mixes.)--162+++ (In The Way*) (12-2-09) (1)
--163/233/234 (Florida Land*/........./..........)
--164++ (Blizzard*) (11-29-09) (2)
--165/235 (Come See About Me*/..........) (12-14-09) (2)
--166 (Manhole Pie*) (11-04-09, very late)
--167++ (My Sweetie*) (11-29-09) (1)
--168 (Ghost Town*) (9-16-09) (2)
--169 (Love Day*) (12-2-09) (2)
--170++ (Hot Chocolate*) (11-12-09)
--171 (Sun Window*) (11-29-09) (3)
--172/236 (Radio Beach*/...........) (11-03-09)
--173/230 (Pain Runnin*/...........) (12-1-09) (3)
--174......see 113
--175......see 144
--176 (Women Of The World [Live In Dundee]) (12-03-09) (1)
--177......see 125
--178......see 125
--179......see 161
--180......see 154
--181......see 145
--182......see 148
--183......see 129
--185......see 151
--186......see 184
--187......see 150
--188......see 133
--189......see 158
--190......see 202
--191......see 155
--192......see 156
--193......see 159
--194......see 160
--195++ (Coach Fuckhead*) (11-13-09)
--196/231++ (Sunglassez*/........) (11-29-09 "and also really years ago 3 maybe") (4)
--197 (Riverboat Man*) (9-16-09) (1)
--198 (Pre Amp*) (3) (9-27-09)
--199/223/224/225/226/227 SUITCASE (Feedback Love*/............/............/............/................../............/............) (12-1-09) (1)
--200 (Mount Eerie Pt.6 [Known World/Unknown World]) (12-01-09) (4)
--201 (Mount Eerie Pt.7 [Blue Light On The Floor/Mount Eerie Revealed]) (2) (very late night of 9-27-09)
--202......see 190
--203/204++ (MOUNTAIN/......) (11-24-09) (2)
--204......see 203
--205......see 125
--207++ (sreltnA/Antlers [or "Come With Me, I Love You"] [Live At Pete's Candy Store, 9-9-02] (10-27-09, night alone)
--208/232++ (LANTERNS or "Let Go Of Everything"/.............) (11-25-09)
--209/222 (((it is your skin that i wear/...............))) (11-29-09)
--210++ (dieD yllautcA uoY eveileB t'naC I/I Can't Believe You Actually Died [Singers LP]) (1) (10-9-09, afternoon) (07-01-10)
--210a (9-27-09, afternoon)
--210b (10-9-09, afternoon)
--210d EXPERIMENT (10-31-09)
--211 (Teeth*) (11-25-09) (2)
--212 (esrevinU/Universe [Live At South Union Arts-Chicago, IL 6-1-07]) (10-27-09 night alone) (2)
--213 (nooM ehT/The Moon [or "Constant Reminder Of Your Size, Worth, Place, Girth, Span, Point, Avoidance, Fearsome View, Lack."] [Live At South Union Arts-Chicago, IL 6-1-07]) (11-04-09) (3)
--214 (snretnaL/Lanterns [or, Let Go Of Everything_] [Live At Pete's Candy Store 9-9-02]) (10-20-09, afternoon)
--214b (snretnaL/Lanterns[Live At Pete's Candy Store 9-9-02]) (10-20-09, afternoon)
--215 (2.tP wolG ehT/The Glow Pt.2) (10-31-09, very late, fall back)
--216+++n(dniW yM tsoL I/I Lost My Wind) (10-31-09, very late, fall back)
--217++ (naecO/Ocean) (11-04-09)
--218 (I Felt My Size [Acoustic]) (11-24-09) (1)
--219++ (Untitled, Unlisted*) (11-25-09) (1)
--220/221/228/229++ (OH ANNA/............................./....../...................) (12-1-09) (2)
--221......see 220
--222......see 209
--223......see 199
--224......see 199
--225......see 199
--226......see 199
--227......see 199
--228......see 220
--229......see 220
--230......see 173
--231......see 196
--232......see 208
--233......see 163
--234......see 163
--235......see 165
--236......see 172
--237 (Ocean 1,2,3) (12-18-09)
--238 (Universe [The Singing From Mt. Eerie]) (12-21-09)
--239 (Stone's Ode) (12-22-09)
--240......see 125
--Figure 8 TITANIC...++ (At The Ends Of Our Lives or Through The Mountain*) (finally sorted out 11-17-09)
K10. POST BMAX: ATLANTA, GA (2010, pre boston trip)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--241 (Wind Speaks) (01-04-10)
--242 (Burried In Space [LKA Between Two Mysteries] [Brussels After Midnight]) (01-07-10)
--243 (If We Knew...) (01-13-10)
--244 (Through The Trees) (01-19-10)
--245 (Summons) (01-25-10)
--246 (Ancient Questions) (early feb 2010)
--247 ([something] [Wind's Poem]) (mid to late feb 2010)
--248 ([3rd Floor Instrumental]) (mid to late feb 2010)
--249 (Wind's Dark Poem)
--250/252 (The Mouth Of The Sky)
--251 (My Heart Is Not At Peace) (mid march 2010)
--252......see 250
--253(Lost Wisdom pt. 2)
K11. POST BMAX: ATLANTA, GA (2010, post boston trip, post wedding)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--254++ (Between Your Ear And The Other Ear) (mid june, 2010)
--255 ([The Sun Conclusion]) (mid june, 2010 [2])
--256/257++ ([wind lyrics]/................) (late june, 6/26)
--258 (Summons [acoustic]) (6/26/10)
--259 (Lost Wisdom pt.1) (6/27/10)
--260 (I Listen Close) (7/1/10)
--261 (The Hidden Stone) (7-22-10)
--262 (Hunting) (7/23/10)
--263 (Wasted Wealth) (08/03/10)
K12. POST BMAX: ATLANTA, GA (2011)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
it is 4:49am
this is the seance.