Coming off of Coree's post today about the --040's being particularly soothing/sunny-day appropriate, I've been feeling inspired and good (speaking of which if you have your Fbook page open to that post and then open another tab it makes it look like Coree's full name is "Coree Taylor Anacortes", lovely). I decided to take a look at them myself and pick one out for a bike ride. It is hot and sunny and lovely in Atlanta today and I am finally starting to get attached to/grow a little memory and mythology around walking and riding here (it's starting to remind me of when I was finally getting used to Porter Square. I would get out of Bartley's in the afternoon and it would be that kind of gray, cool day where it had rained and felt rainy but wasn't raining. I did a lot of random get lost/exploratory riding around in Sommerville on days like that, getting to know "No Flashlight" a lot better. It was nice, you would just coast around and not have anywhere to go or be and you'd end up at Alewife or Crossing the bridge to Southie or Downtown. I learned a lot about Mount Eerie on those little field trips. Atlanta is turning out to be a sort of sunny equivalent of all that.)
So I scanned through the 40's and ended up picking --043(Ocean 1,2,3). It was a really nice mix for a really nice ride on a really nice day.
it is 7:07 PM
this is the seance.
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