One day I really am going to get my shit together and honor this blog correctly, often and on topic. Some day I really will get back to it's more major purpose, the chronicling and history of the KINGS mixes. Sadly, it is so hard for me to keep up with it. But hey, life is long. Someday (some day sooner for some of us) we're all going to be old and bored and have nothing to do with our lives, retired, children grown and moved away and starting their own families, etc... Luckily for me I'll have this silly blog to still be catching up on and KINGS mixes to write about. So I won't have to like, head down to the VFW hall to play bingo or whatever.
So, yes, no new relevant stuff here. Still trying and trying to just get current on the DJ stories. And to that end I offer you TREE TORCH. This is apparently becoming a tradition at Noni's. Sometime after the new year Matt likes to invite people to haul down their old dead Christmas trees and throw them on a huge bonfire that they make out in the back parking lot of the bar. Sounds dangerous and like a sure way to get the cops called right? Apparently it's not an issue.
This year the plan was to have a DJ set up inside and one outside in the January cold. My man Ryan B. Was sort of in charge of the music this eve and he invited me, a little last minute, to come share to mic with him. The plan being that we would switch off, inside and outside, hour by hour. So I showed up with my rig and set to work in the toasty bar with Ry-Ry outside in gloves. We went back and forth a couple times until it was apparent that no one, including us, wanted to go back out into the cold night, and all the Xmas trees were rendered ash.
It was fun, cold, not too crowded, but fun. There was one couple in particular that was digging what I was playing. I kind of approached the night as an anything goes type of deal, a chance to play a little heavier PILL-influenced set. And like all plans, it started out that way and then just kind of turned into whatever it wanted to be. I have one particularly fond memory of just blasting "Not In Love" outside to black, cloudless sky.
I wish I had Ryan's set to show you what was alternating, but alas, I do not.
Handsome Devil-The Smiths
Stay Away-Nirvana
Strangelove-Depeche Mode
That’s Getting Personal-The Foxglove Hunt
Dawn Of The Dead-Does It Offend You, Yeah?
Lights Out-Santigold
Holding Hands In The Shower-Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head
Another Day, Another Night-The Dossier
Time To Pretend-MGMT
Lights And Music-Cut Copy
And I Was A Boy From School-Hot Chip
Blind-Hercules & The Love Affair
Black Eyes (Le Castle Vania Remix)-Snowden
Agenda Suicide (Jagz Kooner Remix)-The Faint
20th Century Boy-T.Rex
Hard To Explain-The Strokes
Sucked Out-Superdrag
Drain You-Nirvana
Beating Heart Baby-Head Automatica
Feeling This-Blink 182
Shoulder To The Wheel-Saves The Day
Blood On Our Hands-Death From Above 1979
Worked Up So Sexual-The Faint
Polaroids And Red Wine-Jaguar Love
Let’s Make Out-Does It Offend You, Yeah?
Not In Love (ft. Robert Smith)-Crystal Castles
1979-The Smashing Pumkins
Head Over Heels-Tears For Fears
Bizarre Love Triangle-New Order
INSIDE, again
Mr. Brightside-The Killers
Banquet-Bloc Party
Telephone-Lady Gaga
Kiss, Kiss-Chris Brown
Shutterbug-Big Boi
Rill Rill-Sleigh Bells
Monster-Kanye West
Cameras-Matt & Kim
Dance Yrself Clean/All Talk (Mix)-LCD Soundsystem/Kid Cudi/BLACK OUT BRIAN
it is 4:41 am
this is the seance